Mateusz Gierblinski

Mateusz Gierblinski

Security Engineer

Hello there, and welcome to my corner of the digital realm! I'm Mateusz Gierblinski, and I'm thrilled to have you here as I share my passion for cybersecurity. This is not just a profession for me; it's a way of life, an ever-evolving puzzle I can't wait to solve.

My journey into the world of cybersecurity began with a fascination for technology. Growing up, I was the neighborhood's go-to tech geek, always tinkering with computers and exploring the limitless potential of the internet. But it was a cybersecurity incident that changed everything for me. Witnessing the real-world consequences of a data breach ignited a fire within me to protect the digital spaces we've come to rely on so heavily.

I embarked on a relentless quest for knowledge, diving headfirst into the world of cybersecurity. From learning the basics of network security to mastering the art of ethical hacking, my passion for this field only grew stronger with each new skill I acquired.

Certificated Professional

Personal certifications and achievements



OffSec (Offensive Security)
API Security Fundamentals

API Security Fundamentals

APISec University

