Flanders is betting on cybersecurity!
You have an SME and want to use your SME Portfolio to better secure your business?
Enjoy increased support for cybersecurity training or consultancy. As a small business, you can count on a 45% intervention (up to a maximum of €7,500).
By 2021, around 1 in 8 SMEs will have fallen victim to a successful cyber attack. Read the report here.
How do you make sure it doesn't happen to you?
We help companies get the basics right. We do this with an integrated approach on 3 axes: people, processes and technology. Together, we raise your security level by minimising risks while maximising ease
The KMO portfolio is a measure through which you - as an entrepreneur - receive financial support to purchase services that improve the quality of your business. Specifically, these are training and consultancy services such as drawing up a communication plan for your company. Small enterprises enjoy 30% support, a medium-sized enterprise 20% support. The maximum support ceiling per year is €7,500 support.
The SME portfolio wants to be accessible to as many companies as possible. That is why we make it easy to apply and submit grant requests. Apply for your grant here.
NEW: increased support for cybersecurity training or consultancy. Since recently, as a small or medium-sized enterprise, you can get a higher rate of support for limited cybersecurity pathways. As a small enterprise, you enjoy a higher intervention rate of 45%. Medium-sized enterprises: 35%. Up to a maximum of €7,500 per year.
Are/are/do you an KMO? Do you make use of the KMO Portfolio? Fancy putting your IT environment on the grid?